How to Choose my Gargoyle?

They’re a great pet and a trusted companion, can be handled often or left alone, can cost $100 to thousands of dollars - how to choose the right gargoyle for you?

Do you want to interact with your gecko daily?

They don’t mind to be handled often once comfortable - and every positive interaction with you makes them more comfortable. If that’s your main requirement, for example getting a gecko as a family pet, look for a friendly and curious gecko. You can ask the breeder about their temperament or request a video.

If you want to just look at the gecko handling them only occasionally - no need to worry about it. Unless the gecko is exceptionally aggressive (which is rare and can be fixed) they will be fine left alone and wont mind occasional handling

Are you ready for daily/weekly care?

They’re your pet, and ownership comes with responsibilities. Luckily they’re not that bad with gargoyles! Daily misting (that we recommend, some people say every other day or twice a day, depending on a variety of factors) takes no more than a minute per enclosure and can be automated. Feeding is every 2-3 days, and cleaning is at least once per week. Do you have family or a friend who can take on these responsibilities if you’re travelling?

Male or Female?

Every gecko is different, but males are generally more active or nervous than females. However in our experience temperament of males rarely changes once they reach breeding age. Females are generally calmer, but they can do a full 180 - can get defensive, territorial and aggressive when they reach breeding age, and/or when they’re egg bound and laying eggs. These are extreme examples, but it happens. All geckos mellow out when they get older, and with some work you can get them to trust you enough so their mood swings don’t affect the relationship you have with them too much

Expensive or bargain bin?

They do live a long time - 8+ years, so you will be getting good value for your money regardless. Doesn’t change your pet ownership experience - its all about their personality and how much work you put into building trust with your pet. But if you want a unique gecko, with lots of bright color or rare pattern to wow your friends and family, or the sweet internet likes/karma you will have to pay the market price for whatever is hot right now. The value of your gecko is likely to go down with time, as market trends change and breeders release better and better animals into the market. The value you get from interacting with your pet is priceless


Gargoyle Geckos 101 - what’s a gecko?